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Crack Etabs 9.7 4 64 Bit

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Download etabs for win7 64 bit for free. Photo & Graphics tools downloads - ETABS 2013 by Computers and Structures and many more programs are available for instant and free download. Learn how to crack ETABS 9.7.4. How to Install ETABS 9.7.4. How to Install ETABS 9.7.4. How to Install.

That's because you need to firstly identify the valid period of licence file (You can just do it by dragging the licence file to the 'notepad' or just use 'open with notepad' in right click menu). Let's take 2016/12/31 as a example( It means your license file will be expired after 3/12 of 2016). And then using 'Nirsoft RUN AS DATE' ( Or you can use 'CRACK LOCK.EXE') application you have to change the date of the ETABS.exe date as valid date. Thats all you have to do. (Also do not worry about the application. It won't change your system only changes your software date.) This is the process for ETABS, SAFE, SAP2000 all of the softwares4 months ago. Etabs installation and cracking procedure.1.Introduction of Etabs:Etabs is a sophisticated, yet easy to use, special purpose analysis and design program developedspecifically for building systems.

The first step towards obtaining the stiffness matrix, is to obtain the Jacobian, using an equation which you can find in any finite element analysis book. This equation has a shape function matrix which depends on the nodal displacements.Once Jacobian obtained, the strain displacement matrix is obtained and transposed and then finally stiffness matrix is obtained.Jacobian will be negative if there are distorted elements, local axis of connected elements is different etc.

Check element 22836. If you cannot find this in ETABS 9.7, then do this to find coordinates.Display Show Tables Model Definitions Area Assignments Area Assignment SummaryThen export to EXCEL, find area 22836, and then within the same row, look for centroidx and centroidy coordinates. Dear Uzair Sb,The error is in slab element 22836. You can find that element by looking at respective story level. For that, you will need to turn on the Area Labels and use the X, Y and Z Coordinates provided in the error log.

Solution to the problem is to either re-mesh the area manually for that part or to do the load distribution manually and directly apply load at beams and just delete the slab.Please let us know if the problem has been fixed or otherwise.Thanks.Slab element number during analysis and slab area labels are different. Slab number during analysis is the position of that element in the database, slab area labels have the notation F### and usually indicate when this particular element was drawn, slab area labels can also be repeated in different stories, slab element number is unique. Then export to EXCEL, find area 22836, and then within the same row, look for centroidx and centroidy coordinates.Exporting to EXCEL will also not help because EXCEL will slab area labels, not slab element number.Exporting the model to.e2k and the importing it back might help, OR you can do a manual check of all your model by studying the mesh. In my experience, this error is caused by a shell element with 2 nodes only, which happens when you move one set of points to already existing points by move command, this will merge the points but the element defined between them stays in the database.Hope this helps. Here is the progress & update regarding the problem described in my original post, for the benefit of the interested SEFP users.1.

Automeshing was adopted in the original ETABS 9 model, with a maximum mesh size of 3 ft for the slabs & walls. The slabs included a raft slab as well, for tranferring the reactions to SAFE.2.

Download Etabs 9.7 4 64 Bit Full Crack

The model was being updated in steps, by refining the geometry along various edges of the slabs according to architectural plans at different floors. Model was running fine at all the steps.3. The problem most probably occurred when the whole model (including the raft slab) was selected through 'Select all' command & automeshed again as stated in para-1 above. This action meshed the raft slab as well.The meshing of raft slab was haphazard in some regions, because of orientation of slab outer edges in different directions.4. Following steps were taken in order to sort out the error:-a. Trials were made by automeshing the model at two different maximum mesh sizes of 4 ft & 2 ft (one at a time), but without any positive result.b. Third trial was made using 'default' meshing option ( meshing at grids & in Automesh options, by keeping the 'Further subdivide shell/wall in maximum element size of' option UNCHECKED.

This trial helped in running the analysis completely, with 2 Warning Messages indicating presence of unconnected point & frame objects at the specified locations. Deletion of these extra objects removed the warning messages.c. Another trial indicated that thr problem is with the meshing of slabs, and not the walls.d.

Trying to locate affected element # 22836 through the procedure advised by Rana, indicated that the relevant output table designates the slab & wall elements by the number types F### for slab elements & W### for wall elements. It followed that element numbers (like 22836 etc) are generated during analysis only.

The same facts have been stated above by Saad Pervez. Thus, the affected element could not be traced once again.e. Keeping in view suggestion made by EngrJunaid, the affected model was opened in ETABS 2016. This time the affected element was located & found to be present in the automeshed Raft Slab, provided at the base level merely for exporting the Base Reactions to SAFE for further processing there.5.

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Replacing the affected Automeshed Raft Slab, with a new unmeshed raft slab & remeshing the floor slabs & rc walls (after selecting the floor slabs & walls separately) at desired maximum mesh size finally solved the problem.In the end, thanks to all (especially @EngrJunaid) for contribution to reach the solution of subject problem, by suggesting various courses of action.Regards.Edited September 25, 2017 by EngrUzair. Dear Sir/Madam,This email is an invitation for the participation in the First South Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (SACEE-2019) which will be held on 21-22 February 2019 in Karachi, Pakistan. This conference is the inaugural event in this series of conferences which has been constituted under the auspices of South Asia Earthquake Network (SHAKE). The organisers of the conference include NED University, University of Porto, University of Fuzhou, University Roma Tre and Institution of Engineers Pakistan. The conference website can be visited at note that world leading earthquake engineering experts have confirmed their participation in the conference.

These include Prof Abdelkrim Aoudia (Italy), Prof Alper Ilki (Turkey), Dr Amod Mani Dixit (Nepal), Prof Bruno Briseghella (Italy), Prof George Mylonakis (UK), Prof Khalid Mosalam (USA), Prof Humberto Varum (Portugal) and many others. The presence of these distinguished experts allows you to exchange your work/issues with them and discuss possibility of any future collaboration. Please note that participation in the conference is strictly based on registration. Early registration in different categories at reduced rates are available till 10 December 2018.

Please visit the conference website to see the details and the link for registration.If there are any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Conference Secretary at the following addressProf. Muhammad Masood RafiConference Secretary- SACEE-2019ChairmanDepartment of Earthquake EngineeringNED University of Engineering & Technology Karachi, Pakistan.Phone: 0092-21-992-261261 Ext:2605Email: Dear members, I am working on a 10 storied rcc factory building with one basement, where floor loads are in general 125 psf(Live). But there are 2 warehouse in the building at ground floor & 10th floor where the Live load of stacked materials are 450psf.

I have modeled it and analysed in ETABS. After analysis, seeing the floor displacement for seismic load, i am in big shock to see the pattern. The displacement pattern suddenly increased hugely & then got normal.

If the warehouse load created problem, then why it effected only Ground floor level, not the 10th floor! Please tell me how can i solve it. Asalamualaikum all,I have columns which are conflicting with the underground water tank as shown in figure.So I have decided to make underground water tank base slab as a footing for column.

So I import etabs model to safe and just take uniform water load on base slab and point load from columns.This is the residential house. The BC is 2tsf.

But SAFE is showing tension on the base slab and the thickness from punching is 30'. I believe that thickness is too high. What can be the error? Is this approach is correct for design base slab of ugwt to carry load of two edge columns?. Dear All,The forum has been updated today with a lot new features.You can find the list of all the new improvements by visiting this website.Some highlights are:1) Improved Search Features2) EmojiEmoji support is now available in all editors.Do check out the link posted above for the complete list.One additional announcement that I would like to make is that with reference to last forum update post (read below), @Rana and @BAZ are forum Admins now. I think it was important to do as it brings more transparency for the forum and also helps spread the responsibility.

The forum belongs to the members so it never made sense for one person to be Admin,As always, feedback is much appreciated.Thanks for taking the time out to read this update.Cheers!. Hi guys just to discuss with you my understanding of crack widths in Environmental structures according to ACI.-Normal structures-1. ACI 318-95 based on statistical method of Gergely & Lutz 1968 limits Z based on exposure. We are calculating crack widths here. (Normal structures)2. ACI 318-99 proposed limiting the spacing and removed actually calculating the width and also removed the exposure conditions. For example for beams and one-way slabs s (in) = 540/fs -2.5cc or in other words limiting the fs=0.6fy (For normal structures)3.

ACI 224R-01 references method 1 and 2 above and 3 european codes.The most confusing part is the table in which Nawy suggests 0.1mm crack width for water-tight structures. The whole document is for normal structures except this line. And people are following this line and refer to this document for water tight structures. I mean its just a suggestion and by the way this method 1 is obsolete now since ACI 318-99 (see point 2 above).-Water tight structures-1. ACI 318-08 states clearly that for watertight structures ACI 350-06 codes should be used.2.

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ACI 224.4R-13 also specifically states that for watertight structures walls in section 7.4, we should use ACI 350-06.3. ACI 350-06 for water tight structures does not recommend calculating a number for crack width but rather limiting max steel stress in bars to be 20k ksi or fs=0.33fy for normal conditions.-To sum it up,Philosophy of crack width control is not to calculate probable crack widths but to limit the max stress in steel bars.For normal structures: fs=0.6fy and for water tight structures fs=0.33fy. HiI want to know the use of diaphragms in etabs. I discus many people who are use etabs but i can't get justified answer about the application of etabs.I read the Technical reference of Etabs, where they write about Diaphragms. I get two type of diaphragms (plate or shell and joint or beam).My question.1.

When do i use Shell diaphragms (if floor present )2.When do i use joint diaphragms ( grade beam level where no slab are provide)NB: Diaphragms use to transfer the lateral load to the resisting element ( frame such as column. Beam,shear wall).SEFP Consistent Design.Pile Design.Doc No: 10-00-CD-0005.Date: Nov 21, 2017.This article is intended to cover design of piles using Ultimate Limit State (ULS) method.

The use of ULS method is fairly new for geotechnical design (last decade). The method is being used in multiple countries now (Canada, Australia etc). The following items shall be discussed:OverviewGeotechnical Design of Piles (Compression Loads, Tension Loads and Lateral Loads)Structural Design of Piles (Covering both Concrete and Steel)Connection of Pile with the foundation (Covering both Concrete and Steel)Pile Group SettlementThings to consider1. OverviewPiles provide a suitable load path to transfer super-structure loads to foundation where shallow foundation are not suitable - this can be due to a number of reasons like existing space constraints or suitable soil strata is not present immediately below structure. Other uses can be to meet design requirements like to have reduced settlement etc.This article shall cover the use of straight shaft cast-in-place concrete piles and straight shaft driven steel pipe piles. There are a number of additional piles types like belled concrete piles, precast concrete piles, screw / helical steel piles etc but the discussion to choose a suitable pile type is not in the intended scope of this article.

The article is intended to discuss design requirements for straight shaft piles only (both concrete and steel). The aforementioned topic about pile selection is a very diverse subject and requires a separate discussion on its own.Click on the link to read the full article.

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