Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Pdf

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A Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller (also known as a cutie catcher) was exactly what we needed as we finished "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" for the umpteenth time! It's always bittersweet when we finish one of these wonderful books by J. K. Rowling. She is an expert at drawing you into a story and making you feel as though you are in the characters shoes, so to speak. One of the first nail-biting moments of the book is when Harry is to be sorted into one of the Hogwarts Houses and the Sorting Hat is placed on his head. "Not Slytherin. Not Slytherin," he whispers quietly to himself.

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Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller: Try it and see if you're; just and loyal like Hufflepuff, wise and of a ready mind like Ravenclaw, cunning like Slytherin, or brave and daring like Gryffindor. #HarryPotter #ihsnet #homeschool #parenting #kidlit #gameschooling

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

All this week our son has been dressing in his Gryffindor Robe and Sorting Hat! He says he does his best reading (even when it's not Harry Potter books) when he's wearing them. Inspired by both "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" and our son wearing his Sorting Hat and robe all week, I've come up with this Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller. Try it and see if you're; just and loyal like Hufflepuff, wise and of a ready mind like Ravenclaw, cunning like Slytherin, or brave and daring like Gryffindor.  I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

How to make the Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller.

Cut off the white edges of the square pattern you printed.

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

With your pattern facing down, fold all four of the corners into the center. Be sure to watch your lines and try to make it as even as possible.

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Turn your pattern over so that the Hogwarts Houses are facing up. Fold the corners into the center again to create a smaller square. Be sure to crease your edges.

Next, fold the square in half so that the wand picture is on top. Make a crease. Unfold it. Then fold it the opposite way so that the sorting hat is on top. Make a crease.

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Then, place your fingers into the bottom of the paper and pop it up to make four cone shapes. The "Sorting Hat" is ready to start sorting!

You can purchase our Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller at Teachers Pay Teachers HERE !

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

How to play the Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller Game.

Hold your Harry Potter Sorting Hat Origami Fortune Teller with two hands. Place your thumbs and pointer fingers inside the cone shapes. Let the person who is being sorted choose one of the images on the top. Either the Wizard Cup, Wand, Owl, or Sorting Hat.

Each picture has a number associated with it. Open and close the "Sorting Hat" alternating between up and then across with your fingers. For example; if they chose the Wizard Cup, you open the "Sorting Hat" 4 times. If the Wand is chosen, then you open the "Sorting Hat" 5 times.

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Then, the player will choose one of the words on the inside of the "Sorting Hat." The number next to the word tells you how many times to open and close the "Sorting Hat."

Repeat this process for a total of 3 times.

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

On the fourth word selection, instead of counting out the numbers again, you will open the flap and read the directions under that word. Four of the words hold a Hogwarts House icon under them. If you get one of these, then you have been officially sorted into your house! The other four slots are filled with Sorting Hat sayings. such as, "Difficult. Very Difficult." This means you need to start again!

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Keep playing until everyone is sorted into their Hogwarts Houses!

Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Fortune Teller

Erin is a writer, blogger, and homeschooler to two intense kids. She loves nature, farm life, good books, knitting, new pens, and hot coffee. Erin is a contributing writer for Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Her work has also been featured on Simple Homeschool and Book Shark.

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Harry Potter Origami Sorting Hat Pdf

Source: https://nourishingmyscholar.com/harry-potter-sorting-hat-origami-fortune-teller/

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