Baby Rolls Over in Sleep but Can'



10/04/2011 at 7:58 am

Once they start rolling theirs not alot you can do, but if it helps my 2 lo would only sleep when they were on their tummy from 3 months if not before. I used a angel care monitor so I knew they were ok.  HV said it was ok as he was able to roll and move his head about.



10/04/2011 at 8:03 am

my baby who is one this week, started rolling at 13 weeks and form then onward he has slept facedown, quite often with his face straight down onto the bed. If they are rolling theres not a lot you can do about it, your baby will be fine. This is my 3rd baby and theyve all done this and are fine x

Jo 57oem

Jo 57oem

10/04/2011 at 8:09 am

My DD2 is 5.5 months and now sleeps in all sorts of positions but not made it right over onto her tummy at night yet. I know its worrying so maybe you could try a couple of rolled up blankets either side of her? I think you can buy special cushions which are designed to stop babies rolling in their sleep, not sure what they're called but might be worth a google search. Also, my DD1 slept on her tummy from 2 weeks! Against the rules I know but she wouldn't sleep on her back (she's 3yrs now), just wanted you to know there are tummy sleepers out there x



10/04/2011 at 8:15 am

Don't stress honey as long as they can lift there head and roll back then nothing to worry about.. my son started doin that and now at 10mths sleeps in the oddest of positions including sitting up... laying on his knees with bum in air!



10/04/2011 at 8:33 am

I was just about to write a thread asking the same question. lol :hiya:
My little boy is nearly 7 months and seems to always roll from his back to his tummy and lie face down in his cot !
I worry a little too much about this , although I know he is able to lift his head!
Atm ,Me and OH let him sleep in our bed , although this is not always practical as we are a little squished alot haha!:hmmm:

Anyone have ideas on maybe how to stop them rolling or are they just going to do anyway lol:s




10/04/2011 at 8:34 am

Hi Ladies,

Thank you so much for your really quick responses.  It really is worrying but I do feel a lot better hearing that there are other "rollers" and "tummy sleepers" out there that have had no problems.

Thank you again.
Debbie x



10/04/2011 at 8:39 am



10/04/2011 at 8:14 pm

The advice from the SIDs people is to put them down on their backs and not to worry if they roll, and not to keep turning them back over. Stressed me out when  dd1 started sleeping on her tummy, but she slept really well so I soon got over it :)

Jessie S(47)

Jessie S(47)

31/01/2020 at 7:57 pm

I know this is an old post but just incase anyone comes across it nowadays..
Lullaby trust has staguring figures where SIDS was increased when placing pillows and other sleep aids in the cot with baby. Please don't recommend these.

Baby Rolls Over in Sleep but Can'


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