How to Make a Origami Chandelier


DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

by Allison on October 14, 2014 // This post may contain affiliate links.

Sometimes the easiest projects can be the most effective. Take this chandelier of bats. The cost for the project is minimal and you might even be able to use things you already have on hand (I did). But a swarm of bats is always freaky.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Take this summer in Houston with my nephews. "Did you know they have bats here?" I asked them both. Flat out, I was called a liar. "You just wait until it starts to get dark and you'll see."

Now I knew there were bats because I'm terrified of the darn things. For years and years every summer I went "home" my mom and I would walk in the evenings with me screaming and wigging out at the bats dive-bombing at us. I was informed they were actually seeking bugs in the air that was above our heads, but I'm sure I made quite a picture freaking out and shrieking and waving my arms around my head. On the plus side, it was excellent cardio.

So we walked and started to head down the driveway and we waited by the street until I deemed it time to get our bat hunting party on. We hadn't stepped but two feet off of that driveway before one swooped right down on us. And there was screaming. Because bats are freaky as all get out.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

For this project you will need:

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Here are my three different-sized embroidery hoops. I think I have a 10″, 8″, and 5″. In the middle size, I'm missing the smooth hoop bit and just have the part with the tightener thingie, but it will work just fine.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Get your bad boys nice and painted…

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier…and when dry place your two largest together with four zip ties underneath them like shown above.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Slowly cinch the zip ties shut until the two pieces are firmly held together and remain flat.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Repeat for the smallest hoop and when you're done you'll have something that looks like this!

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Cut out your bats either by hand or with a Silhouette machine. The Silhouette cut file has holes already ready to go, but if you cut by hand a hole punch will come in quite handy!

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

String them up one by one and set them aside.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Gonna be honest, this takes some care… Tie your bats on one at a time to the inner hoop, placing all of the bats inside of that circle.

Next add more bats to the middle hoop, keeping those bats within the space between the inner and middle hoops and underneath the zip ties. DO NOT pick up anything, just slide the bats around until you get them in the correct position.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Keep the bats on the outer ring outside of everything.

You can use the sizes however you please, but I used the smallest on the inner hoop and the larger on the middle and outer hoops.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Tie strings onto the zip ties and tie a loop at the end to hang. When ready, pick the entire mobile STRAIGHT UP!

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Now I tried and tried this was the only way I didn't have junk like this go wrong… Seriously, pick that bad boy straight up!

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

Even in a slightly windy area, my bats are doing well and not getting too tangled up.

DIY Halloween Paper Bat Chandelier

And it's a great little bit of Halloween decor because it's not gory, but bats are crazy creepy!


DIY Paper Bat Chandelier Tutorial

How to Make a Origami Chandelier


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